World Bank Group
The World Bank Group (WBG) is an independent organisation that acts within the framework of the Economic and Social Council. It provides loans, technical assistance and policy advice to countries for the purpose of reducing poverty, improving living standards, and safeguarding international investment. The headquarter is located in Washington, DC.
The World Bank Group consists of five closely associated institutions, all of them focused on development and poverty alleviation:
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
- International Development Association (IDA)
- International Finance Corporation (IFC)
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
- International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
The term "World Bank" usually refers to the IBRD and IDA, whereas the World Bank group often refers to the entire group of institutions.
More on WBG
- The World Bank Group website serves as a web portal to the institutions associated with the Group. It provides background information, news and statistics, major topic areas, a survey of projects and operations, full text documents and reports as well as access to relevant databases.
- Find publications in the World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR):
- World Development Report, a survey of the economic and social state of the world with statistical tables and in-depth analyses of specific aspects of development.
- The World Bank Annual Report
- Global Financial Development reviews recent trends in financial flows to developing countries.
- Global Economic Prospects (GEP) deals with issues that are central challenges facing developing countries.
Find WBG statistics
- Global Financial Development dataset of financial system characteristics for 214 economies.
- World Bank Open Data offers free access to financial, business, health, economic and human development statistics:
- HNP STATS provides standardized data and statistics for health, nutrition and population at national, regional and global levels.
- Gender Data Portal includes national statistics, United Nations databases and World Bank funded surveys.
- Education Statistics (EdStats)
Key UN documents
- UN Charter in Swedish | in English
- UN System Chart
- Yearbook of the United Nations
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Swedish | in English
- Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
- Statue of the International Court of Justice
UN documents and publications in catalogues and databases
- United Nations Digital Library. UN official documents and open access publications, UN maps, UN voting data and speeches.
- UN iLibrary. UN publications online covering different topics.
- ODS. UN documents published from 1993 onward and scanned documents published between 1946 and 1993 in the official languages of the UN.
- Daily list of documents (ODS). Documents published for the day, with full text links, can be found in the United Nations full text database ODS.
- UNBIS Thesaurus is a multilingual database of the controlled vocabulary used to describe UN documents.
- Index to proceedings is an annual bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the major UN organs. The index includes:
- a list of all documents
- a comprehensive subject index
- an index to speeches
- a voting chart of resolutions
- United Nations Documents Index (in United Nations Digital Library). References to all documents by subject area are published. A collection of indexes is held by the Dag Hammarskjöld and Law Library, Uppsala, Sweden and the UN Library in New York and the UN library in Geneva.