DagDok din guide till FN och FN-dokument och rapporter


Your guide to UN and UN documents and reports


World Meteorological Organization, WMO - was established in 1950 and became a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1951. The WMO is headquartered in Geneva with regional offices around the world.


The WMO was created to promote

  • efficient exchange of meteorological observations worldwide
  • standardization of meteorological data
  • cooperation between meteorological and hydrological services
  • development of national meteorological services in less developed countries
  • research and training in meteorology and related fields.

The WMO operates various scientific and technical programmes on a range of issues, including

  • meteorology (weather and climate)
  • operational hydrology and water resources
  • environment
  • related geophysical sciences

World Weather Watch System

The WMO programme World Weather Watch combines data processing and coordinates observation and communication systems from a worldwide network of stations operated by members.

Global Atmosphere Watch

Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) is a network of stations monitoring the critical atmospheric parameters and providing scientific data needed to understand and ultimately predict environmental changes on both regional and global scales.


The World Meteorological Congress is the supreme body of the WMO. Delegates from all member states meet every four years to approve the programme.

The Executive Council conducts all activities of the WMO in accordance with the decisions of the Congress. The council meets once a year or more.

The six regional associations - Africa, Asia, Europe, North and Middle America, South America, Western Pacific - meet every four years to coordinate the decisions of the Congress within their respective regions.

The eight technical commissions are composed of experts for the study of specific areas of competence.

Secretariat, headed by the Secretary-General, is the administrative, documentation and information center.


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. IPCC was established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1988. Its initial task was outlined in UN General Assembly Resolution 43/53 of 6 December 1988. The objective of the IPCC is to provide governments at all levels with scientific information that they can use to develop climate policies. IPCC reports are a key input into international climate change negotiations.

More on WMO

The WMO website provides background information, news, programmes, projects, publication lists and essential fulltext reports and documents.

WMO e-Library provides free access to a vast collection of publications on meteorology, climatology, hydrology, and related fields.

FN-dokument och -publikationer i kataloger och databaser

  • United Nations Digital Library. FN-bibliotekens katalog över FN-dokument och open access-publikationer, röstningsresultat och tal.
  • UN iLibrary FN-publikationer online från olika ämnesområden.
  • ODS FN-dokument i fulltext publicerade från 1993- och framåt, samt äldre skannade dokument mellan 1946 och 1993 på alla FNs officiella språk.
  • Daily list of documents (ODS). Dokument publicerade för dagen, med länkar till fulltext, finns i FNs fulltextdatabas ODS.
  • UNBIS Thesaurus Ämnesordlista som används för att beskriva FN-dokument.
  • Index to proceedings en årlig bibliografisk guide till FNs huvudorgans dokumentationen som består av två delar:
    • Första delen innehåller en lista över alla möten samt ett ämnesregister. Där finns även en lista på samtliga dokument som utgått från huvudorganet under den aktuella sessionen.
    • Andra delen är ett register över samtliga tal, där man kan söka på land, talare och ämne.
  • United Nations Documents Index (United Nations Digital Library). Ämnessökningar kan göras i 'Subject Index' och ger referenser till alla dokument. Äldre årgångar finns i Dag Hammarskjöld och Juridiska bibliotekets FN-samling.


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